Educational Series to Watch on Netflix With Your Kids.

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๐Ÿ“บ The Struggle is Real: Seeking Education on TV ๐Ÿ“š

Hey there, fellow knowledge-seekers! Have you ever been aimlessly flipping through channels, desperately searching for something remotely educational on TV? Well, my friends, you are not alone! In this era of reality shows about competitive cheese rolling and singing competitions for tone-deaf llamas, finding educational content on television has become more complicated than juggling flaming marshmallows while riding a unicycle. It’s a wild, wild world out there!

But fear not, spirited learners! In the vast realm of streaming services, a shining beacon of hope called Netflix offers some fantastic educational series, especially for teenagers. So, gather ’round as we embark on a quest to discover some of these gems and unveil why they’re worth binge-watching!

Educational Series to Watch on Netflix With Your Kids.

๐Ÿ’ฐ “Money Explained”: Untangling the Mysteries of the Financial Universe ๐Ÿ’ธ

“Explained”- Sometimes, all we need is a good, old-fashioned brain dump to satisfy our curiosity. Enter “Explained,” a series that delves into a variety of topics, from cryptocurrency to the gender wage gap, with episodes that are short, snappy, and packed with fascinating information. It’s like having a super-smart friend whispering intriguing facts into your ear, minus the awkwardness of having an actual person whisper in your ear.

Money Explained: Have you ever stared at your bank statement, completely bewildered by the complex web of numbers and transactions? Fear not, for Netflix has come to the rescue with “Money Explained,” a captivating series that aims to demystify the enigmatic world of finance. Get ready for a crash course in money matters that’s more entertaining than watching a Wall Street tycoon juggle gold bars!

In “Money Explained,” you’ll be taken on a thrilling journey through the intricacies of economics, investments, and the global financial system. From the captivating history of money to the mind-boggling world of cryptocurrencies, this series breaks it down in a way that even your pet parrot could understand (well, maybe not the parrot, but you get the idea). Prepare to have your financial neurons fired up and your budgeting skills sharpened, all while being entertained by engaging storytelling and expert insights. Who knew numbers and dollar signs could be so captivating?

๐Ÿง  “Mind Explained”: Delving into the Intricacies of the Human Brain ๐ŸŒŒ

Ah, the human brain, that marvelous organ that keeps us on our toes and confounds us with its complex inner workings. But fear not, my fellow thinkers and dreamers, for “Mind Explained” is here to take you on an awe-inspiring journey through the vast depths of neuroscience and psychology. It’s like a roller coaster ride through the neurons of your mind, without the vertigo and cotton candy-induced tummyaches.

In this enlightening series, you’ll explore the mysteries of memory, emotions, dreams, and everything in between. It’s a captivating blend of scientific research, captivating visuals, and relatable storytelling that sheds light on the fascinating inner workings of the human brain. You’ll come out of each episode with a newfound appreciation for the complex dance of synapses and neurotransmitters that make you, well, you!

The Social Dilemma – ๐Ÿ’ป “Social Dilemma”: The Thrills and Chills of Online Overload ๐Ÿ“ฑ

Ah, social media, the virtual realm where cat videos and conspiracy theories hold hands and skip merrily through a field of memes. But behind the glossy filters and carefully curated profiles lies a darker tale of addiction, manipulation, and privacy invasion.

Enter “The Social Dilemma,” a documentary-drama that peels back the layers of social media’s hidden agenda, leaving you questioning your very existence. Just kidding, it’s not that dramaticโ€ฆ or is it?

Prepare to have your mind blown as tech industry insiders spill the beans on the tricks of the trade, revealing how our every click and like is meticulously crafted to keep us glued to our screens. It’s like peeking behind a digital Oz curtain; instead of a wizard, you’ll find an algorithm that knows your snack preferences better than your mother. Creepy? Absolutely. Captivating? Most definitely.

Minimalist – ๐ŸŒฑ “Less is More”: Embracing Minimalism in a Maximalist World ๐ŸŒ

In a world obsessed with consumerism and material excess, minimalism shines like a beacon of serenity. It’s all about stripping away the non-essentials and finding joy in a simpler, clutter-free existence. But let’s face it, dear friends, achieving a state of zen in a society where fast food comes in family-sized buckets is no easy feat.

Enter Netflix’s “Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things.” Brace yourselves for a mind-altering journey as you follow Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, two charismatic advocates of minimalism, on their quest to shed the weight of excess and embrace a more intentional lifestyle. It’s like watching the magic of tidying up, minus the whirlwind of socks and outdated Christmas sweaters!

So this summer may you find peace in the simplicity of less and the power to navigate the online maze with a discerning eye. May you all unlock the secrets of money and the marvels of the human mind. And may your children be ready to navigate the intricate world of finance and ponder the wonders of their own gray matter.

Discussion ideas for the family

Money:ย ย 
  • What does money mean to you? How do you think it affects people’s lives?
  • What are some ways we can earn money? Are there any jobs or businesses you’d like to explore?
  • How can we make intelligent decisions about spending and saving money?
  • What are debt, loans, credit cards?
  • Have you ever thought about giving money to charity or helping others? How would you like to contribute?
  • Have you heard about investing? What do you know about it?
  • Can you think of some things people can invest in besides money?
  • What would you invest in if you had money, and why?
  • How can investing help us in the long run? What are the potential risks?
Social Media:
  • What are your favorite social media platforms? Why do you like them?
  • How do you think social media affects our lives and relationships?
  • What are some positive and negative aspects of using social media?
  • How can we use social media responsibly and ensure safe online experiences?
  • Have you ever heard of minimalism? What do you think it means?
  • How do you feel about having fewer possessions? Is there anything you could live without?
  • What are the benefits of living a minimalist lifestyle?
  • How can we incorporate minimalism into our daily lives and reduce waste?
  • What does having a positive attitude mean to you?
  • How do you handle challenges or setbacks?
  • Can you think of a time when changing your mindset helped you achieve something?
  • How can we cultivate a growth mindset and encourage each other?

Until next post,

Wishing you a summer filled with laughter, learning, and shared moments that will make this season unforgettable. Don’t forget to drop a comment below and let us know which educational series on Netflix has captured your heart!

Happy streaming and happy summer, everyone! ๐ŸŒž๐Ÿ“บ๐ŸŒˆ

4 thoughts on “Educational Series to Watch on Netflix With Your Kids.”

  1. I personally love and have watched all of the documentaries that you have mentioned in your list. Watching them with kids is genuinely good advice. I will take up your advice and see how my kid reacts!

  2. This is a great post! We need to be more mindful of what us and our children are watching! Watching educational shows is needed!

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