How to Redefine Christmas

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How Our Family Redefined Christmas and Found the True Spirit of the Season: A Step-by-Step Guide to Embracing Family Adventures Over Gifts. Are you ready to redefine Christmas this year and moving forward?

In a world overpowered with consumerism and holiday stress, our family decided to rewrite the script on Christmas. Several years ago, we gathered around the fireplace, put aside the gift wrap and tinsel, and hop on a journey to reclaim the true essence of the holiday season. We bid farewell to the hustle, the bustle, and the pressure to buy the perfect gifts. Instead, we embraced a new tradition that has transformed our family dynamics and created lasting memories.

How to Redefine Christmas

Breaking Free from Consumerism

Breaking Free from Consumerism In a society that often measures the spirit of the season by the number of gifts exchanged, our family decided to challenge the status quo. We sat down with our kids and had an open conversation about what truly mattered to us. The unanimous decision was to shift our focus from material gifts to shared experiences. By doing so, we freed ourselves from the constraints of consumerism and discovered the joy of giving without accumulating more stuff.

Fulfilling Wants Throughout the Year

Crafting Meaningful Traditions

Crafting New Traditions Creating meaningful traditions helped solidify our commitment to a gift-free Christmas. Instead of spending hours in crowded malls, well, more like online shopping these days :-), we brainstormed unique activities that resonated with our family values. From volunteering at local charities to organizing game nights and potluck dinners with friends, our Christmas traditions became more about connection and less about consumption. We encourage other families to brainstorm their own customs, ones that align with their values and bring genuine joy to their celebrations.

How to Redefine Christmas

A Gift of Adventure

One of the most exciting aspects of our new Christmas approach was the decision to replace material gifts with family adventures. Rather than exchanging presents under the tree, we now plan exciting trips to explore new destinations. Whether it’s a road trip to another state, soon, internationally trips 🙂 the gift of shared experiences has become the cornerstone of our holiday celebrations.

Start the Conversation

The key is communication. Gather your loved ones and discuss what truly matters to each member. Encourage creativity and explore alternative ways to celebrate. Remember, the goal is to create lasting memories and foster deeper connections.

The Family Meeting!

  • Engaging children in the decision to redefine Christmas involves an open family discussion where everyone can share thoughts. Use age-appropriate language, tailoring explanations based on the kids’ ages. Emphasize the value of family time and the true meaning of Christmas, focusing on love and kindness over material gifts.
  • Connect the changes to family values, involving children in decision-making and planning. Share personal stories of joyful holiday memories, highlighting moments that didn’t revolve around gifts.
  • Address concerns openly and encourage questions, ensuring children feel heard. Reinforce the excitement of embarking on new adventures and creating fresh memories together.
  • If relevant, discuss environmental and social impacts, linking the decision to reduce material consumption with broader efforts for sustainability.


Meaningful experiences don’t have to break the bank. Planning ahead to taking advantage of off-peak travel times, checking for holiday travel packages that bundle flights, accommodations, and sometimes activities. There are numerous ways to create unforgettable memories without accumulating debt.

A while back my sister and I brought this Bucket List Journal to start planning our trips and it’s a must have. Check it out!

Set a Realistic Budget:

  • Establish a clear budget for your Christmas adventure and stick to it. This will help you avoid unnecessary expenses and focus on creating meaningful experiences within your financial means.

Plan and Book in Advance:

  • Research and plan your trip well in advance to take advantage of early bird discounts.
  • Booking flights and accommodations early often results in lower prices. Try not to book the cheapest option in case you have to change something.

Use Public Transportation:

  • Instead of renting a car or relying on taxis, explore public transportation options. It’s often more economical and provides a local experience.

As our family continues to redefine Christmas each year, we’ve come to realize that the true spirit of the season is found in the love, laughter, and shared experiences we create together. By breaking free from the chains of consumerism and embracing the joy of giving through adventure, we’ve discovered a Christmas that is truly magical and unique. We hope our story inspires others to reconsider their own traditions, redefine their celebrations, and experience the true essence of the holiday season.

This year we are heading to out of Florida for another adventure, and we hope your Christmas will be just as amazing.

close up photo of marshmallow on cup
Photo by Jill Wellington on

Trivia Time!

Don’t head out just yet!

In the song “Twelve Days of Christmas,” what did my true love give to me on the third day?

Tell us in the comments below 🙂

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In the whirlwind of holiday preparations, we hope you find the eye of the storm and savor the serenity within. This holiday season, let’s explore how to be in the moment and maintain emotional stability amidst the seasonal chaos. Close your eyes now and imagine yourself in a winter wonderland, picturing the serene snowfall, feeling the crisp air, and letting the chaos around you melt away. How did that feel? Keep that feeling with you through the day and find the peace within.

Until we meet again, Enjoy the season

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