Money Saving Challenges for 2024

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Looking for some fun financial challenges can help boost savings, eliminate debt, and overall improve your financial well-being? Here’s some money saving challenges for 2024 to help get you started.

Participating in a financial challenge can be an effective method to boost savings due to its structured and goal-oriented nature. By setting specific targets and timeframes, you are motivated to save consistently and proactively. Moreover, the public commitment aspect of many financial challenges can enhance accountability and foster a supportive community, further encouraging diligent saving habits.

Overall, the gamified approach of financial challenges can make the process of saving money more engaging and gratifying, ultimately contributing to improved financial well-being.

Let’s dive into a few challenges for 2024!

Money Saving Challenges for 2024
Photo by cottonbro studio on

1. 30-Day $1000 Savings Challenge

  • Objective: Save $1000 in 30 days through additional income or cost-cutting measures.


  1. Side Hustle Sprint: Commit to a specific side hustle for the month – freelance writing, dog walking, or even driving for a rideshare service.
  2. Sell and Save: Declutter your home and sell items you no longer need on platforms like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, or a garage sale.
  3. No-Spend Weekends: Challenge yourself to have weekends where you spend absolutely nothing. Get creative with free activities and home-cooked meals.

To achieve your $1,000 savings goal, you would need to save $250 per week or approximately $33.33 per day for 30 days. Adjustments can be made based on your specific circumstances and cash flow patterns, but this provides a simple breakdown for a 30-day challenge. Keep in mind that these figures are rounded for simplicity, and you may want to adjust based on any specific variations in the number of days in each month.

Tip: Use budgeting apps or spreadsheets to track progress and ensure you’re hitting your daily savings goals.

2. Yearly $100K Savings Challenge

  • Objective: Save $100,000 in a year through a comprehensive financial overhaul.


  1. Side Business Launch: Explore a side business that aligns with your skills and interests. This could be consulting, online tutoring, or selling handmade goods.
  2. Investment Portfolio Review: Consult a financial advisor to optimize your investment portfolio and ensure it aligns with your long-term goals.
  3. Expense Audit: Analyze all expenses, identifying areas where you can cut back or negotiate better rates.

Tip: Break down the $100K goal into monthly and quarterly milestones to stay on track.

To save $100,000 in a year, you’ll need a disciplined approach and careful financial planning. Break down your goal into manageable increments to determine your weekly, biweekly, or monthly savings targets. For weekly savings, aim for approximately $1,923.08, while biweekly savings should be around $3,846.15. On a monthly basis, allocate about $8,333.33 towards your savings goal.

Achieving this ambitious target requires a combination of cutting unnecessary expenses, and increasing income. Create a detailed budget to identify areas where you can reduce spending, and automate your savings by setting up regular transfers to a dedicated account. Additionally, consider negotiating bills, optimizing your tax strategy, and living below your means to maximize savings.

3. Debt Elimination Challenge

  • Objective: Eliminate all non-mortgage debt within a specified time frame.


  1. Debt Snowball: List debts from smallest to largest and focus on paying off the smallest debt first, then roll the payment into the next one.
  2. Negotiation Ninja: Contact creditors to negotiate interest rates or payment plans to make the debt repayment process more manageable. You can do that process yourself as well.
  3. Net Worth Tracker: Create a simple spreadsheet to track debts, assets, and calculate net worth regularly.
  4. Celebrate success: When you pay something off, make sure to take time to really feel it, applaud yourself, give yourself a pad on the back. You did it and it feel good. Celebrate yourself.

Tip: Consider using the debt avalanche method if you prefer tackling high-interest debts first.

crop sportive couple clasping hands in gym
Photo by Julia Larson on

4. Fun Challenges for Saving and Managing Money

  1. Cash-Only Challenge: Commit to using only cash for discretionary spending for a month. It promotes awareness and prevents mindless card swiping.
  2. No Eating Out Challenge: Challenge yourself to cook all your meals at home for a month. You’ll save money and likely discover some culinary skills!
  3. Digital Detox Challenge: Unsubscribe from shopping emails, delete shopping apps, and avoid online shopping for a month. This helps curb impulse spending.
  4. Subscription Audit: Evaluate all your subscriptions – streaming services, magazines, etc. – and cancel any you’re not fully utilizing.
  5. Save $100 Bi-weekly: Save a hundred bi-weekly until the end of the year.

Okay, we have some work to do in 2024. You don’t have to go at it alone, we are here to motivate you every step of the way. Sign up for our Monday Morning Cup of Motivation Newsletter. ⇩

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