Celebrate Valentine’s Day Without Spending Money.

Spread the love

Okay, it is Valentine’s Day soon! Yay 

I tend to always look for ways to save money because it seems that every holiday was created to get people to spend their life saving in a day to prove that they love someone. I don’t think we need to spend money to show love or buy expensive gifts to show people we care. We can do that by doing little daily things. With that said, here are 13 ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day without spending money.

Send a Great Love Quote:

Find a quote that reminds you of your spouse, your kids, or your friends, and share those quotes with them. There are tons of romantic quotes online. You can make a card, or just read it out to him/or her in a voice message. I mean just sending someone a voice message about how much you love and appreciate them already says you care. Love is not complicated; I say most of us girls want to know that you are thinking of us. 

My favorite love quotes is: “Thinking of you keeps me awake. Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. Being with you keeps me alive.”

Post Them on Your social media Page.

Show love by posting a picture of your loved one on your favorite social platform and tagging her/or him on it. You can share how much you love your husband, wife, kids, best friends, and parents on social media on Valentine’s Day and let everyone know because most likely they are doing the same for you.

Send a Handwriting Card or Love Letter.

How about a handwritten card that you put in the mailbox for your significant other to find? People don’t take time to appreciate each other anymore, we are always in a hurry, taking time to write a card to the person you love is a big deal. Take the time and make it special. 

13 Ways To Celebrate Valentine’s Day Without Spending Money.

Make Dinner at Home Together as a Date.

People pay to go out and take cooking classes, do yours at home. This is a saving money post lol. Find a recipe and grab ingredients and get cooking. It is fun cooking with my husband Nick, and we do it all the time. It is a fantastic way to spend time together and make a great meal. Eating it together is fun too. 

Workout Together

Okay, my husband and I do this together almost every day, but if you don’t this could be a lot of fun and something you make a habit of, wait till you try it oiut. You don’t need to coach each other, just pick a workout that you both can do together and just do it.

Make Breakfast for Your Spouse With a Note.

There is nothing more timeless than this one idea. Showing your love for your spouse by making them breakfast in bed is the sweetest thing you can do. You probably already have eggs at home, so you get the idea. While you’re at it, write a handwritten note and maybe a rose. 

Make Coffee or his Favorite Morning Smoothie

If you do not have time for breakfast in bed, make him coffee or their morning shake. Or if you must spend money and want to be away from home. Go out and grab coffee together, relax, and have a conversation. 

Go to the Beach for a Walk

I think valentine’s day was created so that we can spend quality time, not expensive time. It’s one thing buying him an expensive watch, leaving it on the table with a note and you’re off to work and didn’t even call to say I love you; however, it’s a completely different feeling, buying him ice cream and walking on the beach together, reminiscing on where you’ve been as a couple. Go to the beach for the rising of the sun or sunset to make it extra romantic. 

Make Goals Together for the Future/Bucket List

Spend the day or evening writing goals both of you want to accomplish together in the future, and/ or make a bucket list of things that you would love to do together by next Valentine’s Day. 

Have a Movie Night at Home with all your Favorite Snacks

Find the top ten romantic movies ever and watch one or two, it’s your valentine. Make it fun with your popcorn, favorite snacks and candies.

13 Ways To Celebrate Valentine’s Day Without Spending Money.

Take a Bubble Bath Your Favorite Champagne

Put the radio on a romantic playlist and make that water a little warm. Enjoy the time with your spouse. We are always in a hurry, make this time special –

Watch your Wedding Video. 

You can make it a tradition to watch your wedding video on Valentine’s Day. I think that is a special thing to do together. I’m sure there will be laughter and some tears, but most of all you both will be reminded of your love for each other.

Beaded Bracelet project

This one is from my daughter. She is now eighteen and has a boyfriend. She spent the entire week contemplating making him a matching bracelet, thought of their favorite colors, and went to the Hobby Lobby. Just find out what you are both into and make that at home. If your wife loves earrings, try making her a beaded earring. There are tons of videos on YouTube on how to make beaded jewelry.

 “Reason is powerless in the expression of Love.” ― Rumi

13 Ways To Celebrate Valentine’s Day Without Spending Money.

In conclusion

There are many ways for us to show the people who are important to us how much we love and appreciate them without having to buy anything. Try one of these and share in the comment how it went. We hope you all have the best Valentine’s Day ever.

Looking for ways to take care of self, read our last post on 5 steps to your best sleep. Read more here

Until next time,


Nisee 😊

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