5 Steps To Your Best Sleep

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Sleeping Is Essential For Good Health And Well-Being. Plus, Who Does Not Like A Peaceful Slumber? Sleep Is Probably One Of My Favorite Habits. Ok, Maybe Not, But It Is Definitely In My Top Ten. Tossing And Turning Is A No-No If I Want To Be Refreshed In The Morning. Especially, When Waking Up At 4 Or 5 A.M. To Get That Morning Workout In. It Is Imperative To Have A Good Morning As Well As A Good Evening Ritual.

There are many suggestions for a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, not everyone can make it to bed before 10 p.m. due to work schedules and other responsibilities. Some people, like myself, are not sensitive to caffeine, so caffeine before bed may not affect you. But some of the following suggestions are doable by anyone who wishes to try. So, here are my best tips for a great slumber:

Cut screen time 1-2 hours before bed-time 

    Watching television and scrolling through media is already a bad habit, but imagine that thriller where the woman got kidnapped and locked into a basement for years replaying in your mind throughout the night as you sleep. Whatever was on your mind before bed will likely be on replay as you sleep. Some people wake up and say things like “it feels like I didn’t sleep a wink.” That is because your mind was not resting due to overstimulation from screen time or possibly other stimulants such as alcohol or drugs.

      5 Steps To Your Best Sleep
      No eating 1-2 hours before bed

      I love food. Ladies, you know there are certain times our bodies crave unhealthy bits like overloading on carbs. This is fine if you are practicing a clean, healthy diet for the remainder of the weeks or months. But when it comes to bed, it’s best to leave the heavy meals alone before bed. If you must eat before you go to sleep due to schedules and activities, settle for fruits or a basic salad without all the extra stuff.

      Practice yoga and meditation

      Yoga has many benefits like stretching your back, helping you be more flexible, and clearing your mind for a great meditation or total relaxation in savasana. The art of meditation and breathwork are mentioned in almost every culture and religion. There is obviously something to it.

      Personal hygiene 

      A nice bath may help calm you down before bed. Personally, I am not a bath person. I prefer to take a hot shower and get out, but this is where you have to do what is best for you. Not only is it great for your overall dental hygiene, but flossing and brushing before bed can make you feel more relaxed.

      5 Steps To Your Best Sleep
      DND. Adjust until it works for you

      My phone is on Do Not Disturb by 9:30 p.m. every night. I have to be up early morning, so alerts, emails, and notifications are not welcome after hours. I do adjust during holidays when I have visitors or expect a certain call. Otherwise, only people on my exception list can reach me after 9:30 p.m. Since those people already know most of my habits, they know not to call after hours unless there is an emergency. 

      A successful life is not measured solely by how much money you have in the bank. It is measured by the life in your years, the relationships you have developed, the goals you accomplished and still striving to accomplish, and the joy of living a fulfilled life. Many influencers will tell you that you need to go to bed late and wake up early to succeed. Otherwise, you are not serious about getting wealthy. That is the quickest way to die young or have an expensive health bill as you age. What is the point of overworking yourself only to die early due to bad health?

      5 Steps To Your Best Sleep

      Money can be earned. You can lose everything today, adjust, and come back richer if you have a plan. Your health does not bounce back as fast. It is much cheaper to maintain sound health than to rebound from illness and diseases. Once your health is gone, that is much more difficult to adjust and come back. It’s a journey. If you neglect yourself now, you will pay for it later. 

      It’s always great writing and sharing with you. Don’t forget to check our last blog post on Getting Back In Balance. Read more

      Comment and share your own suggestions on what to do for a great night sleep.

      Until next time

      XOXO 🙂

      15 thoughts on “5 Steps To Your Best Sleep”

      1. My sleep has been terrible since my accident which I am still recovering from two years ago. These steps are very helpful until the pain keeps me awake, and then sleeping becomes really hard. Thanks for sharing the tips!

      2. Charlie-Elizabeth Nadeau

        Loved reading your blog, it made me feel good. Love how you talk about success being “ measured by the life in your years”.
        I recently moved and I’m having trouble sleep now. Will give these tips a try, especially meditation before bed, I could definitely see the benefit of stilling the mind before resting.

      3. This post was very useful always trying to find ways of a better sleep I try and use a few of these and I know they help but sometimes I forget

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